Becket Conservation Commission
May 21, 2009
The Meeting is called to order at 6:31.
Commissioners Present: Scott Morley, Vice Chair; Kathy Vsetecka, Commissioner and Agent; Bud Moylan; Purr McEwen, Chair
Commissioners absent: Derrick Rodgers; Marty Winters
1. Continued Notice of Intent SOLO Sherwood Forest Lakes and Ponds Map 216 DEP #102-353 Chemical treatments using herbicides, hand-harvesting and cutting
Purr motioned to continue to June 18 Budd seconded. All in favor.
2. Request for Certificate of Compliance Glen and Kathy Zeh 269 Old Pond Rd. Map 210 lot 50
Motion made by Pearl to continue to June 18, Scott seconded all in favor.
3. Request for Certificate of Compliance Joe Maggi 883 King Richard Drive Map 215 lot 189 Joe Maggie present. Joe Petrinno from Environmental Services representing. Reviewed map showing the area that was reflagged. Submitted boilerplate plan form demonstrating a 3 foot dock that he would reduce to 1 ½ foot dock with open spaces narrow enough so that the children’s feet can’t go through but would allow sunshine. It will be 3 feet wide. The lumber suggested by Joe P is cedar post.
Motion made by Purr for the restoration for above property in the wetland area within 10 feet on either side of the planned walkway and underneath would be the New England seed mix, a mix of 10 wetland shrubs on west side and 8 on the east to be planted which needs to be done by June 15. Planting should be 12 - 18 inches and monitored in a year for compliance and recorded to the commission. Removal of dead fall allowed but no raking. Motion seconded by Scott, unanimously approved.
4. Request for Determination of Applicability Lesley Kammerman 158 Long Bow Lane East Map 213 lot 63 Construction of a 20’ x 25’ single story addition in the buffer zone of a bordering vegetated wetland. Mark Drigigoli, Fox Homes representing. Mark reviewed plans by Foresight Land Services pointing out the stakes were laid out and the placement of silt fence. Two trees will be lost but they aren’t particularly healthy at this time. Some excavation, possibly four feet with limited pile up and pile will be controlled.
Motion made by Purr for Negative DOA to apply Becket Standard Conditions including the cutting of two trees adjacent to excavation site with two native shrubs to replace them; seconded by Scott, all approved.
5. Request for Certificate of Compliance Sherwood Greens Road District Map 213 Lot 131
Motion made my Kathy to issue a COC seconded by Purr with all in favor.
6. Request for Extension of Order of Conditions Mark and Mary Thomas Cherokee Road Map 218 lot 150 Building of a single family home with amenities
Motion made by Purr for 2 year extension on OOC seconded by Scott, all in favor.
7. Administrative business
Motion made by Purr to officially hire Martie Martin to be recorder for the Becket Conservation Commission. Bud seconded with all in favor.
Picnic Celebration for retirement of Richard Furlong was discussed and who will attend. Purr will make list.
Purr wants to distribute to the different ponds in the area as to what is permissible with clearing of trees within the buffer zone.
Scott suggest that a letter to be sent to Mr. Morris to remind him of removal of slash piles and stumps by June 30.
Scott wants to record on Rob Gordon’s property an Enforcement Order on his deed.
Kathy needs to notify Roosevelt Ltd. LLC Inc., Map 209 Lot 23 that OOC has expired.
The Becket Conservation Commission would like to officially thank Blanche Lennington for her many years of service.
Approval of minutes of April 16, 2009 Meeting.
Motion made by Budd to adjourn, seconded by Purr, the meeting is adjourned at 7:32.
Respectfully Submitted,
Martie Martin, Recorder
Scott Morley, Vice Chair Date
Purr McEwen, Chair Date
Kathy Vsetecka, Commisioner and Agent Date
Budd Morley, Commissioner Date